The Mind is a Product of  Matter!

How do I know that the mind is a product of matter?
Well, of course I do not know for sure, but the available evidence strongly suggests that this is the case. 
It is the best hypothesis available today. 
The alternative, to suggest that the mind is some kind of spiritual entity, as ZERO scientific support. 
That requires the creation of a entirely new realm of reality that science has never detected. 
That is going to ridiculous extremes to explain something that is probably explainable without discovering any new science.

How can a purported non-material/spiritual entity influence the material world?
In order for a thought to influence behavior it must it must trigger the firing of neurons and the contraction of muscles.
That is, there must be an interaction between the material world and the purported spiritual world.
The spiritual world must be able to exert a FORCE on the material world.
But by definition the spiritual world is separate from the material world.
If, however, the spiritual world did interact with the purported spiritual world with enough force to trigger a neuron, then we should be able to detect this interaction with scientific instruments, which can be engineered to be much more sensitive than the human senses.
Such “spiritual forces”have never been detected.
At present there is absolutely no evidence supporting “Ghost in the Machine” view of thought.
In the absence of such evidence it is unwarranted to be certain that the mind is other than a product of the brain.