Nano Aggressions

A “Nano-Aggression” is defined as 1/1000 of a “Micro-Aggression”.

Their existence has been hotly disputed for over three decades by academics. 

Nano-Aggressions were predicted by far-left Social Justice theoreticians in 1989, but they have only been observed in very small numbers by the most sensitive Social Justice Warriors.

These observations were, however, not considered statistically significant by critics and were attributed by the critics to detector error.


The experimental detection of Nano-Aggressions has, however, been recently conclusively demonstrated by two independent groups. 


·        A Japanese group has just reported the results of the most sensitive test yet performed. 

The experiment was performed in a mile-deep, underground salt mine shielded with two-feet of solid lead walls to block surface Micro-Aggressions, which would otherwise overload their sensors. The detection chamber was filled with the most sensitive sensors available … far-left Social Justice Warriors. As soon as a critical mass of detectors were in place the observation of Nano-Aggressions was immediate! So many of these, previously only hypothesized, Nano-Aggressions were detected that the experiment had to be aborted moments after it began for fear of a massive sensor meltdown. The sensors were hurriedly provided with Nano-Aggression canceling headphones that soothed the detectors by playing the song “Feelings” by Barry Manilow.


·        A second study, carried out by the New York Times, reported the detection of Nano-Aggressions by quoting, out of context, a statement that one of their reporters think they might have heard someone say while they were on the subway. The New York Times editorial board wrote that, “Substantiation by a second anonymous source will prove beyond any doubt the existence of Nano-Aggressions”.


With proof of the existence of Nano-Aggressions, the search for Pico-Aggressions has begun.

A Pico-Aggression is 1/1000 of a Nano-Aggression and their detection will require the development of completely new technology since Pico-Aggressions are theorized to exist only at temperatures close to absolute zero.  Funding has already been approved by the United Nations for both the Japanese and the New York Times research efforts. The funds were obtained by diverting financial resources from the Children’s Cholera Prevention program.


Leading theorists in Quantum Aggression Research predict the existence of Plank-Scale-Aggressions. These are predicted to be the smallest aggressions possible within the constraints of the known laws of physics in this Universe. Current theory predicts that Plank-Scale-Aggressions can only exist at the very center of Massively Delusional Black Holes.


Full Disclosure: The author of this article received funding from The Institute for the Preservation of Sanity.


Cultural Appropriation

This is one of the most ignorant, stupid, hateful, racist, hypocritical, discriminatory ideas that I have ever heard! To defend this idea (in the form in which it is being promoted) requires a level self-deception that boarders upon the supernatural.

On the Certainty of Politicians and Partisans

A rational understanding of the world is, of necessity, nuanced, gray, and capable of accommodating contradiction. This approach to reality leads the rational, thinking, honest person to hesitancy and a lack of certainty. This approach requires hard work, humility, emotional courage, and a willingness to endure the discomfort of uncertainty


An easy shortcut for the lazy, however, is to combine ignorance with straight-out endorsement of ignorance. The benefit of such an approach for politicians and partisans is that it produces no signs of self-doubt or contradiction.


The pretense of certainty is, unfortunately, very seductive to a certain group of credulous people.


Every human being is a racist!
Yes! All of them!
That includes every race and every person in every race.
OK! I’ll qualify that a little.

I will admit that the posibility does exist that there are a very small number of human mutants that who are not racists.
But these people (if any actually exist) are at least five standard deviations for the average.
I am confident in making this assertion because:

1. Evolution of in-group/out-group tendencies. Example : Shirt Color
2. Experimental evidence: Blacks and black results Eliza Klien Book.

There are five kinds of racists in the world:

1. People who are racist and know it and admit it to themselves but do their absolute best to treat people as individuals because they see the humanity in all people. These are the best kind of people.
2. People who are racist and know it and admit it to themselves and discriminate against individuals on the basis pf their race. These people are not to be vilified. They are diserving of compassion.

3. People who are racist, know they are racist, but clain that they are not.

4. People who are racist but do not know they are racist because their self-deception keeps their racism hihhen in their unconscious. There people are prone to cause trouble.

“Racism requires bias + power” … Bullshit!!!

White Privilege

The expression “White Privilege” as used by SJW is code for three things:

  1. It is a cudgel to disparage White people. It implies that the success of Whites is due to privilege. It subtally accuses White people of a form of implicit/explicit oppression. It is a thinly disguised insult against whites. 
  2. It is an excuse for the failure of Blacks to succeed.
  3. It is a subtle, partially disqised racist epitath against Whites. 

The reason for the specific claim of “white privilege” is
precisely because it is vague … which makes it Impossible to prove false. If
asked for SPECIFIC changes they have nothing to say … exactly what policy so they want implemented?

Affirmation Action? Done!

Anti-Discrimination Laws? Done!

The same is true for the term, “Systemic Racism”!


The truth is that:

  1. Most Whites and Most Blacks that succeed do so by being brought up with good values and by working hard.
  2. Most Whites and Blacks that do not succeed are brought up with bad values and/or do not work hard. This is especially true of the largely disfunctional black culture, but is also true of certain types of poor white culture.

The Left has become Infantile!

The Left has become infantile in the following ways:

  1. They want Mommy to take care of all of their physical and emotional needs.
  2. They think that lunch is free.
  3. They want free room and board.
  4. They want Daddy to pay for college.
  5. They have not yet learned to take responsibility for their own behavior.
  6. They have not yet learned to think rationally but operate entirely on emotions.
  7. They want what they want whether or not it is practical or feasible.
  8. They are totally selfish but are entirely unaware if it.

The Woke

The Woke agenda, in my considered opinion, would, if  widely implemented, be a total disaster.